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  • Show Me Don't Tell Me

    Don’t tell your target about what you offer. Show them! Examples are not only more engaging, they allow potential clients to reach their own conclusions – a far more compelling way to sell.

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    Effective Marketing

    Target your audience… by weather? Yes, that approach makes sense for an outerwear company. What makes sense for your company?

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    Engage Your Audience

    Your advertising may be creative. It may be adorable! But that doesn’t (yet) mean it’ll be effective. Engaging your audience is only step 1. Advertising exists to sell, not simply to entertain.

  • No one wants to read it

    Assume your audience isn’t interested. Now engage them (then keep them engaged). “No one wants to read it, now write it” – that's how we begin every project.

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    In-House Agencies

    In-house marketing capabilities – bad news for big agencies, great news for small ones. Advertising support should be a collaborative relationship, not a competitive one.

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    The Stopping Power of Humor

    Social media? B2B? It’s the perfect place to show some “personality.” Have a little fun! Dry corporate-speak just doesn’t belong on social. Actually, does it belong anywhere…?

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    Push It!

    Adhering to “Best Practices” is the right move… for the market leader. Challenger brands have to [gulp] push it – in the strategy, in the creative, something to upend the status quo.

  • Finger on the Pulse

    What’s trending? What’s getting clicked? binged? buzz? Part of being a Marketing Professional is to look out for creative ways to add fuel to the fire, grist for the mill.

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    What causes the click?

    What is it that gets them to click? Figuring out how to engage-then-motivate your target audience is absolutely critical, constantly evolving – and why we love what we do.

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    Always Been Done

    For challenger brands – for any brand – marketing strategies must be continually re-evaluated. The world changes too fast to assume that tomorrow will be anything like yesterday.

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    Strategy & Ideation: No Shortcuts

    Would Apple ever – EVER! – run a lousy ad? Outward-facing communication has an enormous impact on what potential clients think of a company. So be objective: How is your organization presenting itself to the world?

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    The 10-Year Old Test

    B2B communication often fails “The 10-Year-Old Test.” Target audiences rarely can make sense of buzzword-driven complexity (it’s just that grown-ups are too polite to tell you).